Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Human Character of The Birth

Human characters can be predicted by looking at the date of his birth.
  1. Birth 23 June - 2 August
    People with this birth has become: quiet, speak as necessary, jealous, not to be outdone in the sustain opinions, irritability and resentment.

  2. Birth 3 August - 25 August
    People with the birth it had character: polite, hard, honest, intelligent, neat, slightly arrogant, dare to reprove.

  3. Birth 26 August - 6 September
    People with the birth it had character: hard, disciplined, generous compassionate, not happy if unemployed, honest, sympathetic, studious.

  4. Birth 19 September - 13 October
    People with the birth it had character: soft, smooth, friendly, polite, pleasant, narcissistic, trendy, fast change from carefree atmosphere to the sad or sad to the carefree.

  5. Birth 14 October - 9 November
    People with the birth it had character: quiet, clever, hard to keep a secret, irritability, upset that his will was not obeyed, jealous, lacking in frankness.

  6. Birth 10 November - 22 December
    People with the birth it had character: good at hanging out, very hate duplicity, decisive, honest, an avid reader, enjoyed location, nice to patronize anyone.

  7. Birth 23 December - 3 February
    People with the birth it had character: resolute, honest, diligent work, less interested in the sport, was hesitant in taking decisions, a simple dress.

  8. Birth 4 February - 1 March
    People with the birth it had character: flammable his anger when hearing something that is not true, love to learn, polite, can adapt to the environment, interesting and fun.

  9. Birth 2 March - 26 March
    People with the birth it had character: stand up for truth and goodness, wavering, less dare express their opinion, daydreaming, easily influenced, unable to control myself.

  10. Birth 27 March - 19 April
    People with the birth it had character: arrogant and irritable, his opinion could not be changed, spiteful, diligent, love to travel, have the ambition of leaders.

  11. Birth 20 April - 12 May
    People with the birth it had character: calm, easy to trust others, jealous, neat, happy party, thorough and diligent, good at nurturing relationships.

  12. Birth 13 May - 22 June
    People with the birth it had character: tentatively, his decision is often ambiguous, often pick, tidy, happy to ask, many using persaan, always dissatisfied, many of her girlfriend.
This is only a prediction from a variety of human nature based on his date of birth. The hidden secrets, believe it or not you specify.


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